Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Let's have a gathering!

Here's Kelen Killuahunter out about in town in his spiffy new car. (Yes, I'm leaving you guys on the cliff...)

As he sped past the City Hall, he noticed a group of people gathered at its steps waving signboards about. He decided to check it out. (No, I can't organize mass gatherings for them to protest!)

Spotted among the protesters for the execution of the (SIMS' version of the legendary Loch Ness monster) Sunset Valley Monster which was prowling the deep waters surrounding the beaches of this peaceful (?) little town, was Ms Evilin Lin.

Not to sure if she was the one that instigated this (illegal) protest, since Killuahunter did chance upon it randomly.

It was getting late, and as the protesters packed up, a few of them started to socialize and chatted about really random stuff.

As the gathering dispersed, two lonely souls retrieved their copies of Unicorns for Audrey and began reading right at the place where they were making a hullabaloo earlier.

Would it be love at first sight?